
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Investment Changes for JRP

Well, I've now officially been in business as a photographer for over a year. I've grown so much in the past year- creatively, artistically and personally. It's been an amazing time and I feel that I can only get better. It's so rewarding and refreshing to do something that you love and feel so passionately about. Before every photo session, whether with a little baby, a beautiful family or an engaged couple, I get so energized and excited. I have all these ideas running through my head to make each session unique and special...Hence, UNIQUELY YOU.
And now that I've grown and my business is growing (yippee!), it's time for my prices to do the same, right. There isn't a huge difference but it is a difference so I want to be sure to communicate this to my clients, friends and family. Thank for you a great year & especially to those who truly believe in me and what I do. I look forward to sharing a successful, creative and magical year in 2009! -Jenny

new prices


Wilson Photography said...

Jenny, you really have grown over the last year and it has been fun watching you! Creating a successful photography business has been so rewarding and fulfilling for us and it's exciting to see someone else go after their dream and make it a reality too!! We wish you all the success in the world!!

Jennifer Ring Photography said...

Oh wow, thank you so much. That really is just so sweet. Thank you